Soaking your dried and powdered mescaline bearing cactus in 96% grain alcohol / organic ethanol for an extended period of time,

storing it in a dark place, shaking it up a few times a day,

and then straining the pulp through a cheese cloth or similar material (others have used a t-shirt).

(I usually extract for 3 days, filter and then repeat the process 1 more time with fresh ethanol. )

after straining pulp, you freeze, to remove the fatty layer; The fats sink and stick to the bottom of the jar.

Then just pour it into a dish and let it evaporate overnight.

If it goes too dry just add some water to it and it will dissolve.

I use 96% organic food grade ethanol non denatured.

This means it contains 4% water. If the water content is too high as with lets say vodka this will cause the sp powder to turn to jelly/gum.

tastes like weak watermelon once diluted

I find that you 'come up' very quickly with this method and its usually over after 4 or 5 hours. Very smooth and very pleasant.

Tbf though i only take small doses no visuals just a very nice feeling of wellbeing. Going to try 50g tonight ill let you know how it goes.

no nausea from this